Five Ways to Serve With the Satvic Community

Our Satvic family is growing and so is the community’s active participation to take the movement forward. Want to know how you can also join us? Read on…

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.” – Margaret J. Wheatley

If you have followed us this far and if you wish to go a mile further, this blog is for you. Hola, our dearest community member, you are special and valuable to us, and therefore, we want to make sure that you always feel like a part of a big Satvic family which is ever-growing and ever welcoming!

So, you have watched our videos on YouTube, followed us on Instagram, attended our Health Transformation Workshop, and are following the Satvic Lifestyle wholeheartedly; but, what next?

Many of you must be wondering that while it is easy to stick to a Satvic routine for some time with sheer willpower and determination, this motivation doesn’t last long. Alas, that’s a harsh truth that most of us grapple with almost on a daily basis. But, why is that so? Because we take up this challenge alone!

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much” – Helen Keller

Remember, there is power in being together. Power to push you through those hard times when you struggle to find any motivation to continue. Power to persuade you to keep going and be regular with your practices. Power to influence, support, and share new ideas to reduce efforts and maximise potential.

“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” – African Proverb

We are here to tell you how you can get this power boost of having a wonderful community to support, share and serve.

Today, Satvic Movement has about 40 lakh subscribers on YouTube and more than 3 lakh followers on Instagram, and we aren’t stopping yet! With more and more people joining in every day, the joy and sense of belonging are also continuously multiplying. 🙂

Here is how you can also be an active part of our community and contribute your bit to making this world a little more Satvic:

Create a Satvic chapter/club in your city

Meet more people like you, around you.

Start with one. Visit one person in your city whom you met in the Satvic workshop you attended together. (If they share their details in the Facebook group that you all will get to join).

Get to know them; learn how they are managing their lifestyle with their daily routine and work schedules. Ask them if they are following it alone or does their partner/family members also follow along. If they do, how did this change happen about?! See if you can incorporate the same within your house as well. And before you know it, you have found yourself a Satvic Lifestyle accountability partner!

Slowly, the two of you can invite more people to join in and help the community in your area grow a little bigger, say, each week. Once you have a solid group of 10-12 people interacting regularly, it’s time to open a small Satvic club. 😀

This can be a physical meeting space in your vicinity, where each of you gathers once a week to simply share your challenges and victories, or just how you are feeling at that moment. Or, it can be an online Zoom room, where everyone meets virtually to have a nice time as a group for bonding and learning. Let this intimate club be a safe space for each member to share their heart and support the ones who are struggling in any way.

Also, a very quick way to start this can be a humble WhatsApp group (we all hate those notifications, but these messages will bring a smile to your face!). Use it to share photos of your daily meals, any new recipe that you create, workarounds of region-specific problems you’ve encountered, like ‘I found a substitute for coconut milk’, how much weight(waste!) you lost in a week etc. Never to compare but only to celebrate each other’s journeys and motivate those who find it difficult to keep up.

Participate in community meet-ups

If organising your own club meetings seems like a big task, to begin with, make a start by joining any upcoming event being organised by the existing community, whether big or small. Satvic Movement encourages people to host festival celebrations, milestone events, potluck brunches, picnics, retreats and even online meet-ups from time to time in order to keep the community engaged and better informed about the rapid additions to our family. Ask around, maybe one such gathering is already being planned in your locality! If not, refer to #1 and take the lead! 😀

Here’s a glimpse of the Delhi meet-up of the 5 AM Challenge community and some memories from the beautiful two-day gathering in Bengaluru.

A lot of fun was had in these meet-ups: games, quizzes, ice-breaker activities, sit-down lunches, yoga sessions, kirtan evenings, sharing circles, cooking challenges, and endless talks of love and laughter.

Be a volunteer with us

However, if you feel like you want to be associated with our core team and work for us directly, you can always choose to be a volunteer [Fill out this form to apply as a volunteer]. We look forward to planning and hosting many offline events for our community such as the Satvic Fest, and are constantly on the lookout for volunteers to help us organise and manage these big events. This is one way through which those of you who are looking to join us and serve through our organisation can connect with the Satvic Team to take this movement forward.

Keep an eye out on our social media handles and website for interesting and exciting updates regarding similar opportunities.

Start a Satvic business

Have you by any chance found yourself wondering about a possible business collaboration with the movement you feel so close to? If you have caught yourself thinking about how you can incorporate your innovative venture idea with Satvic Movement to create a modern solution for the community members, or, simply as a way to serve in a more wholesome and nature-driven way, we have listened to you!

Satvic Movement is now encouraging its community members to come up with collaboration ideas which can spark mutual curiosity and lead us all towards a more natural & sustainable world.

For example, if you feel there is a gap in the current demand and supply of unprocessed and organic coconut milk, will you be interested in taking up the project of filling this gap and starting a coconut milk delivery model? After all, there is so much potential to tap into this demand of the future and it can provide a stream of income and employability which is eco-conscious and ‘all-beings-friendly’.

However, if this is not your cup of milk; then how about a smoothie stall in a locally-held farmer’s market? C’mon, everyone loves smoothies, and they sell so fast! Or, what about a Satvic Desserts Bakery to provide a delicious variety for Satvic celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, wedding parties and even festive gifting. With the power of the internet, you can even reach out to people beyond the range of your pin code!

Maybe someone may feel a little more ambitious and straightaway plan to open a Satvic Cafe or restaurant! Though big biz does require more manpower and a long-term vision, and thus, more daring and an unwavering enthusiasm to see it through successfully. But, in our community, we trust.

We are always here to provide moral and guiding support, as and when required. But we want our community to be self-empowered, entrepreneurs of the future- ‘A New Power’, which will eventually power this movement into becoming a global phenomenon. Yes, we foresee a truly Satvic world ahead of us, led by each one of you in their own individual capacities as members of this community.

And you’ll be surprised to know how many such requests, filled with out-of-the-box ideas, we receive each week. Hundreds!

The learning never stops

Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
– Benjamin Franklin

Only those who are willing to learn can change the world. Ultimately, all actions are meaningless even if they do not have the sprinkling of ancient wisdom and our own experiences, and thus, learning is an essential part of being an active Satvic community member. The more you educate yourself about the Vedic philosophies on which the Satvic principles are based, the more you will be enriched to pass on this knowledge to others with full conviction, but more importantly, following it yourself.

You can opt to take courses or residential/live experiences in any field or domain related to the Satvic lifestyle. Whether you are interested in organic farming, indoor plantation and gardening, eco-sustainability and living a minimalistic life, or you are passionate about Satvic cooking and coming up with your own cuisines and culinary mastery. You can choose to enrol in any productive programmes related to your vertical of interest and come back with so much to give back to your own community.

Going forward, we can together work to incorporate offerings related to Satvic cooking such as a chef certification course, a programme only on whipping up raw desserts, the various ways of organic sprouting, and maybe even cold-pressed/slow juicing!

But, for now, you have the option to visit amazing institutes like the Hippocrates Health Institute, U.S.A., and CGHS Prakriti Shakti in India to enhance your knowledge of holistic wellness and naturopathy-based healing to live more in sync with Mother Nature, away from diseases, illness, ailments and everyday stress.

Many such institutes also open batches to learn advanced techniques for various nature-cure based healing methodologies, for those who have an interest in being a practitioner and already have the requisite degree for the same. Acharya Mohan Gupta Ji’s Natural Life Style Camp is one such centre in Delhi. You can even read Acharya K. Lakshmana Sarma’s book on Practical Nature Cure– which is one of our guiding lights at Satvic Movement.

The possibilities are endless; both for learning, and for serving. And, we are counting on you to tap into these possibilities and turn them into opportunities for growth and transformation. Because, we at Satvic Movement, envision a Satvic world being led by millions of Satvic soldiers like the one reading this blog.

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